A complete guide to growing microgreens at home
Microgreens are not only healthy, they are fun! Growing microgreens at home is a quick and easy way to get fresh vitamins all year round. In this guide, we’ll cover all the steps, from choosing seeds to harvesting.
- Choosing seeds:
– Specialised seeds: It’s best to use seeds that have been specially developed for microgreens. They are not treated with chemicals and guarantee good germination.
– Ordinary seeds (with care): You can use regular vegetable, herb and grain seeds, but make sure they are not treated with fungicides or other chemicals. Give preference to organic seeds.
– Variety: Start with easy-to-grow varieties such as radishes, peas, sunflowers, watercress and rocket. Later you can experiment with more exotic options.
– Where to buy: Microgreen seeds are available from specialist garden centres, online stores and some supermarkets.
- Preparation:
– Container: Any shallow containers, trays, plastic food containers or even ordinary plates will do. It is important that the container has drainage holes (or the ability to make them) to avoid stagnant water.
– Substrate:
Soil: All-purpose seedling soil or coconut substrate can be used. It is important that the substrate is loose and breathable.
Absorbent (absorbent cotton, gauze, jute mat): Absorbent cotton, gauze or jute mat moistened with water can be used to grow some types of microgreens (e.g. watercress). This method is simpler but requires more frequent watering.
– Watering: Use clean, temperate water at room temperature.
– Sprayers: For spraying seeds and shoots.
- Sowing:
– Soaking (for large seeds): Large seeds (peas, sunflower, chickpeas) should be soaked in water for several hours (4-6 hours) for better germination. Small seeds (radish, watercress) can be soaked without soaking.
– Prepare the container: If you are using soil, you can put a thin layer of drainage (expanded clay, vermiculite) in the bottom of the container. Then fill the container with substrate, not reaching the edge by 1-2 cm. Moisten the substrate with a sprayer.
– Sow the seeds: Spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the substrate. Do not sow too densely to prevent seedlings from competing for light and nutrients.
– Watering: Spray the seeds again with water from the sprayer.
– Greenhouse: Cover the container with plastic wrap or a lid to create a greenhouse effect. Place in a dark, warm place.
- Germination:
– Darkness: For the first few days (usually 1-3 days) the seeds need darkness to germinate. Check the moisture content of the substrate regularly and spray if necessary.
– Sprouting: As soon as the first sprouts appear, remove the film or lid and move the tray to a light place. Avoid direct sunlight to avoid burning the tender sprouts.
- Maintenance:
– Lighting: Microgreens need adequate light for normal development. Diffused sunlight or phytolamps are best.
– Watering: Spray the seedlings regularly with a mist, keeping the substrate moist but not stagnant. Avoid getting water on the leaves to prevent fungal diseases.
– Ventilation: Ensure that the room in which the microgreens are growing is well ventilated to prevent mould growth.
- Harvesting:
– Harvest time: Microgreens are ready to harvest when they have their first true leaves (usually 7-14 days after sowing, depending on the variety).
– Cutting: Cut sprouts with scissors or a sharp knife just before use.
– Storage: Cut microgreens can be stored for several days in the fridge in an airtight container.
Tips & tricks:
– Ventilation: Ventilate the room where the microgreens are growing regularly.
– Cleanliness: Keep the container and substrate clean to prevent mould and disease.
– Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of seeds and growing methods.
– Reuse substrate: Used soil can be reused to grow houseplants or as fertiliser in the vegetable garden.
By following these simple tips, you can easily grow fresh and healthy microgreens right at home!